PEE Mentoring Report

PEE Report February 2018

CRCSA through its program and initiative has conducted a mock up preliminary screening for the 20 aspirants under the Batch 4 PEE group. The event was held in IPSR last February 16, 2018. The exercise was successfully organized in cooperation with the members of Batch 1 PEE mentors to serve as panels for the said interview. The mock up interview were divided into 3 groups for which the proceedings went on a dress rehearsal and individual screening. The following names were the official list of Batch 4 PEE aspirants:

  1. Alfie Carvellida
  2. Arnel Aguas
  3. Michael Abueva
  4. Bernabe Abad
  5. Dioven Cadungog
  6. Carlo Ronsairo
  7. Celwyn Culla
  8. Cyrus Bigcas
  9. Ramon Clavano
  10. Mervin Lim
  11. Jonas Marvin Abulencia
  12. Wilson Ventic Jr.
  13. Nino Pagalaran
  14. Feljun Blest Sabado
  15. Geronimo Cesar Ramirez
  16. Jayson Piedad
  17. Francisco Erandio
  18. Lordin Loyola
  19. Orlando Villapaña Jr.
  20. Ronald Caidic

Accordingly, 13 out of 20 B4 PEE aspirants got the chance to book their flight to Dubai for the preliminary screening scheduled last March 2, 2018 together with the Chapter PEE Coordinator. The seven (7) remaining aspirants were not able to join due to employment and work concern. They will however pursue their objective during the upcoming MER Convention to be held in Bahrain. Based on the review and evaluation of the BEE, the thirteen (13) B4 PEE aspirants from Riyadh achieved a 100% passing rate. The LOA was immediately issued thus enabling the aspirants to start working on and finalizing their Technical Engineering Report (TER) on or before September 3, 2018. The whole chapter of IIEE-CRCSA is truly proud of them and wishes them good luck in their pursuit of upgrading to PEE by completing all the requirements set forth by the BEE thru their LOA’s.

PEE Report March 2018

In accordance to ongoing program of the Chapter, combined Batch 2 and Batch 3 was decided to conduct their mock up interview, written exam and FOI at the International Philippine School in Riyadh held last March 9, 2018 by their PEE Coordinator. As required by law and as per BEE rule, the final oral interview (FOI) for Batches 2 and 3 was held in PRC, Manila on March 23, 2018. However, one (1) aspirant wasn’t able to attend the said FOI due to his work status.

With reference to ongoing mentoring of new Batch of PEE Aspirants (B4). The group initiated to provide a dedicated place which is called B4 Headquarters located at Umal hammam District, Riyadh KSA. The main objective of this action is to push their main goal of completing their Technical Engineering Report by means of allotted brain storming, camaraderie, group work effort and provide allotted time for classroom lectures.

Review classes and mentoring sessions were still continuously being conducted by the chapter for the Batch 4 aspirants. Teaching and guiding them on the proper way to finalize and complete their TERs.

PEE Report April 2018

Based on the ongoing Classroom mentoring, Chosen Mentors and other Advicers of the group have the full time to share their respective ideas and experiences to the Aspirants considering a new Headquarters for completion of TER was initiated. B4 is now solidly stable with their task in completing the TER prior deadline schedule set by the BEE. Topics discussed were Equipment sizing Calculations, Grounding Calculations, Voltage drop Calculations and Short Circuit Calculations. Remaining 7 Batch 4 PEE Aspirants will have their mock up interview of Preliminary screening on 25th May 2018. The Preliminary Screening with the BEE shall be held on June 15-16, 2018 at Manama, Bahrain as per coordinated with Bahrain IIEE organizers.

In view of the above, on April 24, 2018 , The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Board of Electrical Engineering (BEE) announced that 86 new PEE’s successfully passed the technical upgrade evaluation and  14 out of 14 PEE aspirants from B2 and B3 endorsed by the IIEE-CRCSA made it successfully, . The schedule of their oath taking will be on May 19, 2018. Again, IIEE-CRCSA is proud to have our new set of PEE passers. Our warmest congratulations and the Chapter welcomes you all to the Club!!! Mabuhay. The below names were the list of successful examinees:

  1. Aladin B. Cabaltican
  2. Daniel G. Cabasa
  3. Gilberto D. Cabillos
  4. Gerald C. Gaymen
  5. Dennis J. Hilario
  6. Jessie G. Laya
  7. Felgie C. Magla-Oy
  8. Marlon D. Montana
  9. Larry N. Napata
  10. Lopelino L. Pinatacan
  11. Junjie G. Pito
  12. Belmor G. Pujeda
  13. Gresito Paramon C. Yncierto
  14. John Lex James M. Canoy