Issuance of Certificate of Good Standing (COGS/e-COGS)

Issuance of Certificate of Good Standing (COGS/e-COGS)

Dear IIEE-CRCSA Family Members,

This message serves as a reminder regarding the IIEE National Office memorandum on Requirements for the Issuance of Certificate of Good Standing (COGS/E-COGS). Issued on January 22, 2024, this memo provides guidelines to expedite the COGS/E-COGS application process.

Why These Guidelines Matter:

Following these guidelines ensures your COGS/E-COGS application is complete and processed efficiently.

What You Need to Do:

For your reference, we’ve attached a copy of the memorandum outlining the key points and requirements for obtaining your COGS/E-COGS. The same are as tabulated below:

• Attend at least one (1) general membership meeting of the chapter;

• Attend at least one (2) chapter activity or national or reginal conference in a year;

• Is not involved in any investigation for unethical practices of electrical engineering;

• Not subject to any form of sanction, suspension, or disciplinary censure from his or her respective chapter and/or the Institute;

• Regularly pay his/her annual dues (membership fee);

• Abide by the provisions of the Professional Manual;

• Vote during the annual or Chapter Elections – a member is required to vote at least thrice on the last three years, either national election, chapter election, or both.

Incomplete Applications May Result in Delayed or Denied COGS/E-COGS Issuance

Please be advised that applications for the Certificate of Good Standing (COGS/E-COGS) that don’t adhere to the guidelines outlined in the attached National Office memorandum (issued January 22, 2024) may be delayed or even denied.

To ensure a successful COGS/E-COGS application, we strongly recommend a thorough review of the attached memorandum for all required documentation and procedures.

We’re Here to Help!

If you have any questions or require further clarification, please don’t hesitate to reach out to:

• Yours truly, Engr. Ezekiel Mendiola (Mobile No.: 0555162235, Email address:

• Engr. Michael Abueva, Membership Committee Chairman (Mobile No.: 0557076750, Email address:

• Any member of the 2024 IIEE-CRCSA Board of Directors or Former Presidents

Spread the Word!

If you have colleagues who might not be aware of this memorandum, please share this information with them.

By working together, we can ensure a smooth and efficient COGS/E-COGS application process for all members.

Thank you for your cooperation! God bless and guide us all always!