How Do I Register on Events or Purchase a Merchandise to IIEE-CRCSA?
We had now moved from doing things manually to electronic, this applies to registering to our Events or purchasing a merchandise from the Chapter. To help you familiarize with the process, below are the steps you need to follow:
- Register for an ACCOUNT on our Website either a “Member” or “Guest/Non-Member”
- Log-In using your Account
- Go to the “SHOP” and select a category that you want. In this example, we will join the MIDYEAR CONVENTION
4. Select the Midyear Convention Category
5. Select the “ADD TO CART” (Please note that you can only purchase/register based on your subscription/role)
7. Select “PLACE ORDER”
8. Now your order is sent and you are on the registration list. On the Event Date just proceed to the Treasurer to pay the Fee. Your Invoice will be sent directly to your email address.
For any concern just email us at cc